Winter Break!

Hello there everyone! Did you know we’re one week away from Christsmas?! Where did this year go? Even though it’s cold up here, Wisconsin has yet to have any major snow. It’s hard to be singing songs like “Let it Snow” when all you see is dead grass! Though, all of us in Wisconsin know that it’s coming. We don’t know when, or how much, but it will come.

Any-who, I just wanted to say a quick hello and give an update. has been updated with new pictures and galleries. My Sequential Art assignments are now uploaded as well, so if you like to see a snip-it of the final I completed in class, it’s under the Work drop down labeled “Comics”. I will continue to edit some of my galleries over winter break, so stay tuned for another update for me by the new year.

Now that the semester is done, I’ve got time to work on some personal art projects, art trades, and a Secret Santa card project. Be sure to check out my Instagram @sunnyskiesdesign to see what I’m up to!

I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Current and Upcoming Events!

Hello everyone! During this busy Holiday Season and Senior year, I found a little extra time to enter some work into some local shows!

Currently, I have a framed version of my digital illustration “Fall Walk” at the Museum of Wisconsin Art’s 2018 MOWA Members’ Show. The show will be up until January 6th, so if you are in the area, please stop by and visit the show!

Sunny Skies Design will also have a mini booth open at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design’s (MIAD) upcoming MIAD Holiday Sale. I will be selling copies of “Fall Walk” and it’s companion “Spring Walk” as well as a few other little prints. I will be at the booth during their preview night this Thursday November 29th (6pm-9pm). Though the booth will be up until Saturday December 1st. If you are looking for something special this Holiday Season, this show is not one to miss!

Feel free to send me a shout out in person or on social media if you get a chance to visit!

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

-Alexandra Garcia

A New Thing!

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

Hey, you! Yes, YOU!

I would love to welcome you to my new website for Sunny Skies Design! It has been a long time coming getting my art all in one place for you to view. It feels so nice to start fresh and new and on a professional website as well.

In case you don’t know who I am, my name is Alexandra Garcia, but please, call me Alex! I’m a soon to be graduate at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design with a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree. My full bio can be seen under my “About” page so I won’t fully repeat myself. :)

I’m just a girl who has a great big love for people, art, and a good story. Here you’ll find plenty of different kinds of art so be sure to check back every so often to see what I’ve been up to! Also, follow me on any social media @sunnyskiesdesign to keep up-to-date with all the projects that I’m working on.

See you soon!